Monday, September 8, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Heart Diseases--- Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Before reading the articles, you might want to read the Ezine article written by Chic Ngo, showing you how to obtain all information which you want to collect.
How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo

1. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease With Exercise By Cooper Jones Platinum Quality Author As with many diseases people can have unavoidable genetic dispositions to heart disease. However, there are a number of key lifestyle changes that can be employed to drastically reduce the risk of CHD. This includes the reduction of alcohol consumption, stopping smoking and adopting a healthy diet. But a key area for reducing the risk of CHD is exercise.

2.Heart Disease Symptoms
By Peter Emerson Platinum Quality Author To have knowledge about a disease which grips our nation so strongly is not just wise; it is mandatory. Heart disease symptoms can be extremely varied and unusual. Heart diseases can be classified into different types, with each type exhibiting its own peculiar symptoms. However, some similarities exist among the symptoms also.

3. Heart Diseases Caused by Smoking
By Josh Ramos Platinum Quality Author By now you're probably aware that there are many health risks associated with smoking. The government requires a certain disclosure about these health risks, and most people have heard about these possible effects whether they smoke or not. However, if you look at all the possible risks that come with smoking, you may be surprised by what you would find. Heart disease is usually listed as one of the primary health risks for the long-term smoker.

4. Low Cholesterol Diets - Is it Really Possible to Follow One? by Peter Clark
While the idea of a cholesterol reducing diet may sound great, many do not know what you need to do in order to follow one. What foods belong on this type of diet and which ones should be avoided? Here are some of the different things that you should know about low cholesterol diets before you choose to follow one.

5. How to Lower Your Cholesterol With Natural Remedies by Dianne M. Buxton
Remember, this is all about the omega 6 oil- omega 3 oil balance. Cutting down on fat from dairy products meat products and adding fats from oils such as olive, walnut, avocado, and purified cold water fish oil creates the balance.

6. Changing Your High Cholesterol Diet Menu by Gloria Gangi Changing your high cholesterol diet menu is easier than it may sound. It won't cost you as much as you think and the changes that result from it will made your life better.

7. Heart Benefits From Dark Chocolate by Adam Leeds There is great news for everyone who loves chocolate, dark chocolate in particular. Research has shown a small amount of dark chocolate eaten on a daily basis is actually good for your heart! It is important to note, only dark chocolate has been shown to provide health benefits of any kind.

8. Avoiding Heart Bypass Surgery by Adam Leeds
Although you've heard this time and time before, here it comes again: the best way to avoid heart bypass surgery is to keep your heart healthy! This is particularly true if either parent had heart disease or if a brother or sister needed bypass surgery.

9. Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol by Vince Platania
Most people are aware that eating a diet rich in oats can help to lower cholesterol naturally. That is not the only food that can reap benefits for lowering your cholesterol levels. It is said that by eating at least 3 ounces cup of walnuts can reduce your cholesterol levels by at least 15%.

10. Understanding Pacemakers by Joseph Devine
A pacemaker is a device that helps to regulate the heart beat. Most individuals who need this device are older or are suffering from a particular heart condition. It helps to understand how the heart works and where the pacemaker fits into the entire scheme of things.

11.High Cholesterol - Health Benefits of Pomegranate by A Chakrabarti
High cholesterol can cause heart attacks and strokes. While diet changes and exercises may be difficult to implement and medicines can have side effects, some natural sources such as pomegranate can be helpful in lowering high cholesterol.

12. How to Lower Your Cholesterol Level - Naturally by Olwen Anderson
Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol? Do you know you can successfully lower it yourself, through diet and lifestyle changes? This article will show you what your blood test results mean, and specific changes you should make in your diet and lifestyle to lower your cholesterol level.

13. How to Maintain Cholesterol Level by Dr John Anne Cholesterol is a fatty deposit and that occurs naturally in all parts of body. This is necessary element for body to work properly. As minerals are good for health, this particular fat is also beneficial for good health. Cholesterol is found in the blood circulation of body.

14. Home Remedies to Battle High Cholesterol by William Allen Yap
High cholesterol is bad for your health. You need to use home remedies to keep it at normal levels.

15. Red Wine and Heart Health by Kevin Agrawal This article talks about the importance of resveratrol for heart. The article discusses the various effects, resveratrol has on the human body. The article discusses the various sources of resveratrol - dietary as well as supplements.

16. Good Cholesterol Versus Bad Cholesterol - Is HDL Good Or LDL Good? by Hope Pope
I am sure you have heard of both good and bad cholesterol... but I am guessing you don't know whether HDL is the good cholesterol or LDL is the good cholesterol, do you? Or vice versa... which one is the bad

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